parasitic cone造句
- There are four parasitic cones on the western slopes of Makian.
- At least 20 subsidiary or parasitic cones are known.
- Most of these parasitic cones have produced basaltic lavas.
- A peculiar example of multiple parasitic cones is Jeju Island in South Korea.
- The entire edifice is also peppered with a large number of small parasitic cones.
- Below 1000m, several parasitic cones lie on the southwest flank of the volcano.
- The north side is deeply eroded and the eastern side contains parasitic crater lakes and parasitic cones.
- However, monitoring is continuously performed inside the caldera, especially around the parasitic cone Doro Api Toi.
- There is a parasitic cone, called " shoi meori oreum ", in the southeast.
- Mount Taranaki, together with its parasitic cone of Fanthams Peak, dominates the topography of the Taranaki Peninsula.
- It's difficult to see parasitic cone in a sentence. 用parasitic cone造句挺难的
- Barva has a dozen different eruptive spots in the summit and some parasitic cones on the flanks of the mountain.
- The relatively small size of Little Bear Mountain and its close connection with Hoodoo Mountain indicates it is a parasitic cone.
- A large parasitic cone is located at the north-east of the summit and a smaller one at the south-west.
- Ashigara is not a remnant of the collapse of the old Hakone volcano itself, but rather a parasitic cone growing from its flank.
- Numerous parasitic cones and lava domes have been built by flank eruptions along this fault and on the flanks of both of the main volcanic cones.
- To complete the analogy, the huge Olympus Mons and the Tharsis Montes are merely summit cones or parasitic cones on a much larger volcanic edifice.
- A parasitic cone can also be formed from a dike or sill cutting up to the surface from the central magma chamber in an area different from the central vent.
- Kibo has more than 250 parasitic cones on its northwest and southeast flanks that were formed between 150, 000 and 200, 000 years ago and erupted picrobasalts, trachybasalts, ankaramites, and basanites.
- It has a sharp summit and reportedly " smoked " in the 1950s and is made up from a lava dome complex situated in a depression of unclear origin, a postglacial lava dome Calle and a Pleistocene Porcelana volcano with Holocene parasitic cones.
- It is known to be the northernmost parasitic cone and is similar in structure to a flat-topped, steep-sided tuya, although its inner stratigraphy is not yet known because the area has not been studied in detail due to its remoteness.
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